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Safety Product Recalls

Search the Consumer Product Safety Commission Databases:
Please note: the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) does not have jurisdiction over the following:

  • Automobiles (including tires, trucks and motorcycles)
  • Car seats protecting children in on-road vehicles
  • Foods, medicines, cosmetics, and medical devices (although CPSC does have authority for child-resistant packaging)
  • Dissatisfaction with business practices
  • Certain other products such as pesticides, firearms, boats, and other watercraft; for a list of federal agencies and the products over which they have jurisdiction, please visit

Find Recalled Products by Company Name

[Note: Scrollable list of company names makes this an easy-to-navigate database, but requires a longer download time; please be patient.]

Find Recalled Products by Product Type

[Note: Scrollable list of product names makes this an easy-to-navigate database, but requires a longer download time; please be patient.]

Find Recalled Products by Product Description

[Note: Scrollable list of products makes this an easy-to-navigate database, but requires a longer download time; please be patient.]

Find Recalled Products by Category

[Note: To quickly find something after choosing a category - for example, a product or a manufacturer - use the "Find" feature of your browser. For most browsers, this is done by choosing the "Edit" menu, and then selecing "Find..." or "Find in page" or "Find on this page."

Within each category shown below, the CPSC website shows most-recent recalls first. All children's products are found in the "Infant/Child Products" category.]

Report an injury or death involving consumer products

[Note: CPSC does not have jurisdiction over automobiles, trucks and motorcycles, car seats protecting children in on-road vehicles, foods, medicines, cosmetics, and medical devices, or dissatisfaction with business practices.]

Shop With Safety In Mind!

Visit the Consumer Product Safety Commission Website or call (800) 638-2772 for updated news and information


Important Note: has made this information available as a public service and does not offer any express or implied warranties. Readers are strongly encouraged to contact product manufacturers, retail distributors, governmental agencies, and other appropriate organizations for additional information on safety issues pertaining to the products and services that they purchase.


Out of clutter find simplicity. From discord find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.  Albert Einstein

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