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Bronze Memberships are free and allow you to access (but not search) all public content areas.

You can also forward a question or comment to Prepare Respond Recover's Editor, Webmaster, Technical Support, or Customer Care staff.

If you submit a question or comment that requires our follow-up, you can expect to receive a detailed reply within 2 business days.

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Silver Memberships are $25 per month and allow you to access the web-based planning tools, search the Prepare Respond KnowledgeBase, and post to conferences.

Your monthly Membership is good for 30 days after you sign up, with the option of autorenewing at the end of 30 days.

Please contact Customer Care for more information.

Gold Memberships

Gold Memberships allow you all the benefits of a Silver Membership, plus live consultations with experts in the Safety Planning and Disaster Response and Recovery field.

Pricing is based upon's posted fees; please contact Customer Care for more information.

Appointment scheduling is handled over the Internet, with immediate confirmation of your appointment request. Expert Consultations can be held via email, live webchat, telephone, or in person (travel expenses may apply).

Please contact Customer Care for more details.

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To make ready beforehand for some purpose, use, or activity; to put in a proper state of mind; to work out the details of; to plan in advance; to put together; to put into written form


To undertake cost-effective measures that will reduce the potential for damage to a facility from a disaster event


To react; to say or do something in return; to make an answer


To bring back to normal health, position, or condition

Definitions Courtesy of FEMA and Merriam-Webster

Out of clutter find simplicity. From discord find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.  Albert Einstein

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